Annesusanne Fackler (Ed.), Piero Steinle - Laughter Project, Milano 2008
The gradual dislocation from serious "normal" expression in the persons faces to a state dominated by laughter is spontaneously perceived as a pleasurable and liberating experience. But at a certain point this shift might become unbearable. As it is well known the arcaic ingredients of laughter originate from situations of insecurity, tension and aggression. The uneasiness is also caused by the fact that the laughing is taking place without any particular cause. The laughter 'for no reason' provocates a sublime contrast to the common idea of laughter as sincere, spontaneous 'natural' expression. The focus on laughter itself isolates the purely physical aspects (contractions, grimaces, showing one's teeth, fits of choking, bursting into tears, grunting, gargling, gasping....) and reveals its ecstatic and uncivilized dimension.Piero Steinle